Sfoglia per Autore MAINIERI, STEFANIA
"The Borgia collection of Egyptian antiquities: cataloguing as a method"
2015-01-01 Pirelli, Rosanna; Mainieri, Stefania
Sala XXI - La Mummificazione
2016-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
"Excavating an Archive. The Borgia Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN)"
2017-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
Current Research in Egyptology 2017. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Symposium, University of Naples, “L’Orientale” 3-6 May 2017
2018-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
The Italian Egyptian Project of Study and Conservation of the Monastery of Abba Nefer at Manqabad 2018 - 5th Campaign
2018-01-01 Pirelli, Rosanna; Bosco, Angela; Buzi, Paola; D'Andrea, Andrea; Kenawi, Mohamed; Incordino, Ilaria; Musella, Pasquale; Mainieri, Stefania; Diletta Pubblico, M.; Ragionieri, Andrea; Salsano, Anna
"An example of “dangerous” nineteenth-century restoration work at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN)"
2019-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
The italian egyptian project of study and conservation of the monastery of Abba Nefer at Manqabad 2020 - Preliminary report of the 6th campaign
2019-01-01 Pirelli, R.; Bosco, A.; Bragantini, I.; Incordino, I.; Mainieri, S.; Mazzarino, C.; Pubblico, D.; Cera, V.; Iovane, D.; Scandurra, S.; Cozzolino, C.; Musella, P.; Ragionieri, A.; Salsano, A.; De Luca, D.; Faiers, J.; Hany Mohamed, G.; Ismail Aly, I.
La collezione egiziana del Museo Archeologico nazionale di Napoli
2021-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
2022-01-01 Mainieri, S.; Mandelli, A.; Rossi, C.
Due “Yellow Coffin” Nel Museo Archelogico Nazionale Di Napoli. Un Caso Di Produzione Seriale?
2022-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
A New Study on Two Yellow Coffins at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN)
2023-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
Photogrammetry and Face Carvings: Exploring the `Face' of the Egyptian Anthropoid Coffins by 3D Modeling
2023-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
Faces Revealed Project. Analysis of the yellow coffins in the Gregorian Egyptian Museum
2023-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
3D Model of the Mummy board of Butehamon, Museo Egizio, Torino (Inv. n. Cat. 2237/03)
2023-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
3D Model of the Inner lid of Butehamon, Museo Egizio, Torino (Inv. n. Cat. 2237/01) (Version 2).
2023-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
The “Invisible” Side of Yellow Coffins—The Set of the Chantress of Amun Tanethereret in the Musée du Louvre and Some Considerations on the Production of Yellow Coffins in the First Half of the 21st Dynasty
2024-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
Faces Revealed Project and ancient Egyptian yellow coffins: A new methodology step-by-step
2024-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
3D Models of the yellow coffins in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
2024-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
3D Models of the yellow coffins in the Museo Egizio, Torino (Italy)
2024-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
3D Models of yellow coffins in the Musée du Louvre
2024-01-01 Mainieri, Stefania
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