Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
"Applying Principal-Agent Theory to Security Force Assistance: the Atypical case of post-2015 Tunisia"
2021-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth; Cimini, Giulia
"Between a rock and a hard place: Trump's half-realist, half-mercantilist foreign policy in the Middle East"
2018-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth
"Changing security dynamics in Tunisia: the battle for Ben Gardane"
2022-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth
"Intended and uninted consequences of Security Assistance in post-2011 Tunisia"
2019-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth; Cimini, Giulia
"Interregionalism: a security studies perspective"
2014-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria; Sonia, Lucarelli; Marco, Pinfari
"Limited Statehood and its Security Implications on the Fragmentation Political Order in the Middle East and North Africa"
2018-01-01 Polese, Abel; Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
"Saudi Arabia's regional space-shaping: making or unmaking a region?"
2019-01-01 Costantini, Irene; Hanau Santini, Ruth
"The EU and its southern neighbors: a fuzzy model of citizenship promotion?"
2018-01-01 Hanau Santini, R.
"The politics of security reform in post-2011 Tunisia: assessing the role of exogenous shocks, domestic policy entrepreneurs and external actors"
2019-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth; Cimini, Giulia
A New Regional Cold War in the Middle East and North Africa: Regional Security Complex Theory Revisited
2017-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Addressing threats: european foreign policy towards the Middle East since the European Security Strategy
2007-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Amir M. Kamel, The Political Economy of EU Ties with Iraq and Iran: An Assessment of the Trade–Peace Relationship, The Political Economy of the Middle East (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). Pp. 241. $115.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781137439796
2017-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Between hierarchy and heterarchy: Post-Arab uprisings’ civil–military relations and the Arab state
2019-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria; Moro, Francesco Niccolò
Con Egitto e Tunisia, Ryad si toglie la maschera
2017-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Democracy promotion and security logics at play: European foreign policy in the Middle East
2013-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Europe: muddling through
2011-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
European discourses and practices vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear program
2010-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
Il re-balancing del Golfo dalle rivolte arabe del 2011: trasformazioni geopolitiche in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa
2018-01-01 Hanau Santini, R.
Italian post-2011 foreign policy in the Mediterranean between status and fear
2020-01-01 Hanau Santini, Ruth Maria
L'instabilità globale e l'insicurezza alimentare: diritti, politiche e interesse nazionale
2024-01-01 Hanau Santini, R.