BELLINO, Francesca
BELLINO, Francesca
Abū Nuwās, Cantar al vino. Ed. bilingüe de Jaume Ferrer Carmona y Anna Gil Bardají (Madrid 2010)
2012-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
al-Qāḍī al-Quḍāʿī, A Treasury of Virtues. Sayings, Sermons and Teachings of ʿAlī with One Hundred Proverbs Attributed to al-Jāḥiẓ, ed. T. Qutbuddin (New York–London 2013)
2015-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Alḥadiẕ de Mūsā cuando fabló con Allah en el Monte Sinaí
2010-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Angelo De Gubernatis
2024-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Animal fables in the Sulwan al-Muta‘ by Ibn Zafar al-Siqilli
2015-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Another manuscript of Pétis de la Croix’s Histoire Arabe de Sindabad le Marin. A possible sub-family in the fluid transmission of the story
2017-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Arabic Encyclopaedias and Encyclopaedism between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Forms, Functions, Intersections of Adab and Modernity
2020-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Bauden, A. Chraïbi, A. Ghersetti (eds.), Le répertoire narratif arabe médiéval: transmission et ouverture. Actes du Colloque international (Liége 2008)
2012-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Between History and Fiction: The Telescoping Advice in Ibn Ẓafar’s Sulwān al-muṭāʿ and Its Reception
2021-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Classical Arabic Literature. A Library of Arabic Literature Anthology, selected and translated by G.J. Van Gelder (New York-London 2013)
2014-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Database containing all the (Arabic, Turkish-Ottoman) documents in the Series Islamica in the Paul Kahle Archive at the University of Turin
2013-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
David Morkos frate della Custodia di Terra Santa e professore di arabo nella Torino dell’Ottocento
2006-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Developing a Knowledge System Based on adab: Birds Fluttering from Ibn Qutayba’s Adab al-Kātib to the ʿUyūn al-Akhbār
2023-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Dhu l-faqar
2012-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Encyclopaedism from Antiquity to the Renaissance, ed. by J. König – G. Woolf (Cambridge 2013)
2017-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Esteban de Arteaga y Lopez
2019-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Fictional Storytelling in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean and beyond. Ed. by C. Cupane, B. Krönung
2021-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Galeni De differentiis febrium. Libri duo Arabice Conversi
2015-01-01 Bellino, Francesca
Geographical ‘Aǧā’ib in a Neo-Aramaic Manuscript of the London Sachau Collection
2016-01-01 Bellino, Francesca; Mengozzi, Alessandro
Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri
2019-01-01 Bellino, Francesca