A Coregency for Mursili III?
2009-01-01 Cammarosano, M.
A Quantitative Analysis of Theonyms and Panthea in the Hittite Cult Inventories
2023-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Assurbanipal’s iPad: Wax Boards in the Ancient Near East
2021-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele; Weirauch, Katja
At the Interface of Religion and Administration: The Hittite Cult Inventories. With a contribution by Adam Kryszeń
2021-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Database "Hittite Local Cults", Hethitologie-Portal Mainz;
2021-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Der hethitische Staatskult als Öffentliches Gut
2019-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele; Lorenz, Jürgen
Hitit Büyü Ritüellerinde Deniz (The Sea in Hittite Magical Rituals)
2022-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele; Çilingir Cesur, Sevgül
Hittite Cult Inventories @Hethitologie-Portal Mainz
2021-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Hittite Geographical Names
2020-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Hittite Local Cults
2018-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Hittite Personal Names
2020-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Il decreto antico-ittita di Pimpira
2006-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Kultinventare aus Kayalıpınar (Šamuḫa)
2019-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Laman / Hittite Name Finder
2020-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Linguistic text types in 13th c. Hittite: A research program
2020-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele; Rieken, Elisabeth
Local Priests in Hittite Anatolia
2021-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
New Digital Resources for Hittitology and Related Fields
2024-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Review of: A History of Hittite Literacy. Writing and Reading in Late Bronze-Age Anatolia, by Theo van den Hout
2022-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele
Römische Wachstafeln aus Pompeji. Geschichte – Herstellung – Analysen
2023-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele; Ferreira, Ester; Fuchs, Robert
talugaeš witteš. ancient near eastern studies presented to Stefano de Martino on the occasion of his 65th birthday
2020-01-01 Cammarosano, Michele; Devecchi, Elena; Viano, Maurizio