'You Don't Wear a Fur in Summer': Kang Youwei's Impartial Words on Republicanism
2017-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
A Federal Nightmare: The People’s Republic of China and the Breakup of Yugoslavia
2023-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
A Harmonious Dialectic. Tang Yijie 汤一介 (1927-2014) and the “confucianization” of Marxism
2020-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
A tale of two Utopias: Kang Youwei?s communism, Mao Zedong?s classicism and the ?Accommodating look? of the Marxist Li Zehou,Zgodba dveh utopij: Komunizem Kanga Youweija, klasicizem Maota Zedonga in ?prilagodljiv pogled? marksista Lija Zehouja
2017-01-01 Brusadelli, F.
Between Modernism and Utopianism: The Philosophies of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao
2024-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Bridging Chinese and global intellectual history: four `utopian impulses' against boundaries
2021-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Compare to Compete: Wang Huning’s Political Thought and the Twenty-first-century Geopolitics of Concepts
2024-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Confucian Concord. Reform, Utopia and Global Teleology in Kang Youwei's Datong Shu
2020-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Federalismo vs centralismo. Sviluppo concettuale ed eredità politiche di due modelli in conflitto
2021-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
From Modern to Feudal. Conceptual Articulations of Federalism in Republican China.
2023-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Hong Kong, the Chinese Myth of Unity and the Failure of Federalism
2020-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
L’Impero invisibile: il ‘nazionalismo tradizional-socialista’ come cifra culturale della presidenza Xi?
2017-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Of Words, Change, and Transplantations
2023-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico; Schmiedl, Anne; Grimberg, Phillip
Poisoning China: Kang Youwei's Saving the Country (1911) and His Stance against Anti-Manchuism
2014-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Review of Zhang Xiang: Establishment of Confucianism on Datong: A Study of Kang Youwei’s Political and Religious Philosophy
2024-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Russia, China, and the universalism of modernity: the “Account of the Reforms of Peter the Great” by Kang Youwei
2020-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Swiss Enchantment. Modern Chinese Intellectuals and a Federal Utopia.
2021-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
The vital centre: understanding the concept of Yao 要 in the Han Feizi 韓非子
2021-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico
Transforming benevolence: Classicism, buddhism and politics in Kang Youwei's Lecture on Ren
2017-01-01 Brusadelli, F.
“If China had a Pope": Catholicism and the Political Role of Religion in Kang Youwei’s Italian Journal (Yidali youji)
2017-01-01 Brusadelli, Federico