The frontier that, symbolic and real at the same time, is placed between centrality and marginality of living, in contexts of existential peripherality inhabited by deviations and difficulties, to a careful historical observation-literary is crossed by representations and narratives that elaborate, at a pedagogical-existential level, a "new frontier" potentially educational, capable of projecting in culture its profile and its possible shape. That frontier, at times insurmountable, becomes a potential threshold when some characters, small emblematic and exemplary protagonists, discover from time to time the value and the sense of reading, writing, art, of virtuous communication that becomes contamination of sense and embankment with respect to prospects of loss, degradation and perdition. To a literature that at the beginning of the 2000s denounced too many lost childhoods with texts such as Certi bambini by Diego De Silva, answers slowly a narrative that "makes" pedagogy negotiating - without rhetoric or useless goodwill - between a realistic representation of degraded social contexts (especially to a certain South of living, another frontier to be charged pedagogically) and a saving perspective that allows us to glimpse, without optimistic excesses, the possibility of a formation and an existential realization at least acceptable. Here appear, then, books that decline new horizons and alternative roads, as bumpy and difficult: from Ragazzi di camorra by Pina Varriale to Pusher by Antonio Ferrara; from Non leggerai by Antonella Cilento to Un ribelle a Scampia by Rosa Tiziana Bruno. In this sense, observing the last twenty years, we can reconstruct a sort of history of education or, more precisely, of the pedagogy of narration, within which a broader concept of frontier can be identified. If on one hand, in fact, you can see a rich gallery of "childhood images", all portrayed in "border" contexts and all struggling with the difficulties arising from those contexts, on the other hand, the analysis of a very precise literary representation becomes very interesting: the narration of the possible crossing of that same frontier, once it has become a threshold by virtue of the aforementioned, possible horizon of meaning that culture can let see in the journey of children and young people without direction.
La frontiera che, simbolica e reale al contempo, si colloca tra centralità e marginalità del vivere, in contesti di perifericità esistenziale abitata da devianze e difficoltà, ad un’attenta osservazione storico-letteraria viene attraversata da rappresentazioni e narrazioni che elaborano, a livello pedagogico-esistenziale, una “nuova frontiera” potenzialmente educativa, capace di proiettare nella cultura il suo profilo e la sua possibile sagoma. Quel confine, a tratti insormontabile, si trasforma in potenziale soglia quando alcuni personaggi, piccoli protagonisti emblematici ed esemplari, scoprono di volta in volta il valore ed il senso della lettura, della scrittura, dell’arte, della virtuosa comunicazione che diviene contaminazione di senso ed argine rispetto a prospettive di smarrimento, degrado e perdizione. Ad una letteratura che agli inizi degli anni Duemila denunciava le tante, troppe infanzie smarrite con testi come Certi bambini di Diego De Silva, risponde pian piano una narrativa che “fa” pedagogia negoziando – senza retorica o inutili buonismi – tra una rappresentazione realistica dei contesti sociali degradati (soprattutto ad un certo Meridione del vivere, altra frontiera di cui farsi pedagogicamente carico) ed una prospettiva salvifica che lascia intravedere, senza eccessi ottimistici, la possibilità di una formazione e di una realizzazione esistenziale quanto meno accettabili. Ecco comparire, allora, libri che declinano nuovi orizzonti e strade alternative, per quanto accidentate e difficili: da Ragazzi di camorra di Pina Varriale a Pusher di Antonio Ferrara; da Non leggerai di Antonella Cilento a Un ribelle a Scampia di Rosa Tiziana Bruno. In tal senso, osservando gli ultimi venti anni, possiamo ricostruire una sorta di storia dell’educazione o, più precisamente, della pedagogia della narrazione, all’interno della quale si può individuare un più ampio concetto di frontiera. Se da un lato, infatti, è possibile osservare una ricca galleria di “immagini d’infanzia”, tutte ritratte in contesti “di confine” e tutte alle prese con le traversie derivanti da quei contesti, dall’altro assai interessante diviene l’analisi di una rappresentazione letteraria ben precisa: la narrazione del possibile attraversamento di quella stessa frontiera, una volta divenuta soglia in virtù dell’accennato, possibile orizzonte di senso che la cultura può lasciar intravedere nel cammino di bambini e ragazzi privi di orientamento.
Vent’anni di pagine e ragazzi. Pedagogia della narrazione di frontiera
Leonardo Acone
The frontier that, symbolic and real at the same time, is placed between centrality and marginality of living, in contexts of existential peripherality inhabited by deviations and difficulties, to a careful historical observation-literary is crossed by representations and narratives that elaborate, at a pedagogical-existential level, a "new frontier" potentially educational, capable of projecting in culture its profile and its possible shape. That frontier, at times insurmountable, becomes a potential threshold when some characters, small emblematic and exemplary protagonists, discover from time to time the value and the sense of reading, writing, art, of virtuous communication that becomes contamination of sense and embankment with respect to prospects of loss, degradation and perdition. To a literature that at the beginning of the 2000s denounced too many lost childhoods with texts such as Certi bambini by Diego De Silva, answers slowly a narrative that "makes" pedagogy negotiating - without rhetoric or useless goodwill - between a realistic representation of degraded social contexts (especially to a certain South of living, another frontier to be charged pedagogically) and a saving perspective that allows us to glimpse, without optimistic excesses, the possibility of a formation and an existential realization at least acceptable. Here appear, then, books that decline new horizons and alternative roads, as bumpy and difficult: from Ragazzi di camorra by Pina Varriale to Pusher by Antonio Ferrara; from Non leggerai by Antonella Cilento to Un ribelle a Scampia by Rosa Tiziana Bruno. In this sense, observing the last twenty years, we can reconstruct a sort of history of education or, more precisely, of the pedagogy of narration, within which a broader concept of frontier can be identified. If on one hand, in fact, you can see a rich gallery of "childhood images", all portrayed in "border" contexts and all struggling with the difficulties arising from those contexts, on the other hand, the analysis of a very precise literary representation becomes very interesting: the narration of the possible crossing of that same frontier, once it has become a threshold by virtue of the aforementioned, possible horizon of meaning that culture can let see in the journey of children and young people without direction.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.