15. Some aspects of verbal politeness in Maghrebi Arabic dialects
2014-01-01 D'Anna, L
2Egyptian Interference in ALM Libyan Sample Points: dialect leveling or researcher’s bias?
2021-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Agent and speaker-oriented modality in the Arabic dialect of Benghazi (Libya)
2016-01-01 D'Anna, L
Agreement Patterns with Plural Controllers in the Pre-Islamic Muʿallaqāt
2020-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Agreement with plural controllers in Fezzānī Arabic
2017-01-01 D'Anna, L
Arabic in the diaspora
2020-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Between Arabic philology and colonial enterprise. Carlo Alfonso Nallino (1872–1938), Eugenio Griffini (1878–1925) and Libyan toponymy
2020-01-01 Contini, Riccardo; D'Anna, Luca
Collectives in the Qur'Ān Revisited: Another Possibility of Semantic Agreement
2020-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Complex identities: Arabic in the diaspora
2020-01-01 D'Anna, Luca; Amoruso, Chiara
Comunicare in arabo
2022-01-01 D'Anna, Luca; Ruocco, Monica; Fatayer, Souzan
Curses, Insults and the Power of Words: Verbal Strategies in Maghrebi Dialects
2019-01-01 D'Anna, L
Dialect contact in the Tunisian diaspora: Chebba speakers in Mazara del Vallo (Sicily)
2019-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Dialect literature and language ideology in Gaddafi’s Libya: a claim for prestige
2018-01-01 D'Anna, L
Dialectal variation and identity in post-revolutionary Libyan media: The case of Dragunov (2014)
2017-01-01 D'Anna, L
Extraterritorial Varieties of Tunisian Arabic. The dialect of Chebba spoken in Mazara del Vallo (Sicily)
2018-01-01 D'Anna, L
First Evidence of Stage III Verbal Negation in Tunisian Coastal Dialects
2020-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Gender and Number Agreement in Arabic
2022-01-01 Bettega, Simone; D'Anna, Luca
Grammatica di arabo standard moderno. Fonologia, morfologia e sintassi
2021-01-01 D'Anna, Luca; Mion, Giuliano
Italiano, siciliano e arabo in contatto: profilo sociolinguistico della comunità tunisina di Mazara del Vallo
2017-01-01 D'Anna, Luca
Judeo-Arabic, Hilali Invaders and the Linguistic History of Libya
2021-01-01 D'Anna, Luca