Brigaglia, Andrea
Brigaglia, Andrea
A Contribution to the History of the Wahhabi Daʿwa in West Africa: The Career and the Murder of Shaykh Jaʿfar Mahmoud Adam (Daura, ca. 1961/1962-Kano 2007)
2012-01-01 Brigaglia, A
A Political History of Uganda's ADF, and an ADF Nashid in Luganda
2020-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea; Nsobya, A.
Abubakar Gumi
2014-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Abubakar Shekau: The Boko Haram Leader Who Never Came Back from the Dead
2014-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Abubakar Shekau: The Boko Haram Leader Who Never Came Back from the Dead
2014-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Abū Bakr al-ʿAtīq
2014-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Arti talismaniche. Pratiche di scrittura sacra e protettiva dal Nord della Nigeria. Ediz. italiana e inglese
2021-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea; Pezzoli, Gigi
Between the Sociology of Religious Authority and the Anthropology of Religious Discourse: Abduljabbar Nasiru Kabara and His Blasphemy Trial in Nigeria
2024-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea
Central Sudanic Arabic Scripts (Part 1): The Popularization of the Kanawi Script
2011-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Central Sudanic Arabic Scripts (Part 2): Barnawi
2013-01-01 Brigaglia, A; Nobili, ; Mauro,
Entangled Incidents: Nigeria in the Global War on Terror (1994–2009)
2020-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea; Iocchi, Alessio
Eu-rap-ia: Rap, Sufism and the Arab Qaṣīda in Europe
2019-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea
Fī Lawḥin Maḥfūẓ: Towards a Phenomenological Analysis of the Quranic Tablet
2017-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Hausa Writings by 20th century Nigerian Tijani Scholars: Notes on a Research in Progress
2011-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Introduction: Islamic Activism as an Inner Journey: Thinking Religion as a Psychological Category
2014-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Islamic Reform in 20th Century Africa, written by Roman Loimeier
2020-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea
Islamic Zambo: Hausa anti-Shia Songs in Kano
2020-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea; Isa, Kabiru H.
Ja'far Mahmoud Adam, Mohamed Yusuf and Al-Muntada Islamic Trust: Reflections on the Genesis of the 'Boko Haram' Phenomenon in Nigeria
2012-01-01 Brigaglia, A
Kaʾana Umar’s ‘CCI Quran’: The Making of a Bornuan Manuscript in the Twenty-First Century
2017-01-01 Brigaglia, A; MUTAI Maimadu, B.
L'Ummu Musa, "madre" della tavolette talismaniche hausa
2021-01-01 Brigaglia, Andrea; Bunza, Aliyu