di Buono, Maria Pia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.032
NA - Nord America 1.938
AS - Asia 870
AF - Africa 36
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
SA - Sud America 8
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 6.895
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.888
RU - Federazione Russa 1.631
IT - Italia 1.347
SG - Singapore 268
DE - Germania 210
CN - Cina 200
BE - Belgio 176
HK - Hong Kong 148
UA - Ucraina 79
FR - Francia 72
GB - Regno Unito 72
VN - Vietnam 71
LT - Lituania 58
IE - Irlanda 51
NL - Olanda 51
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 49
CA - Canada 48
FI - Finlandia 41
SE - Svezia 39
KR - Corea 38
ID - Indonesia 37
ES - Italia 30
IN - India 23
RO - Romania 19
AT - Austria 17
PT - Portogallo 14
JP - Giappone 13
IR - Iran 12
PL - Polonia 12
TW - Taiwan 12
HR - Croazia 11
CH - Svizzera 10
RS - Serbia 9
TR - Turchia 9
EG - Egitto 8
MK - Macedonia 7
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
BR - Brasile 6
ET - Etiopia 6
EU - Europa 6
MA - Marocco 6
PH - Filippine 6
DZ - Algeria 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
BG - Bulgaria 4
GR - Grecia 4
IL - Israele 4
PK - Pakistan 4
TN - Tunisia 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
MY - Malesia 3
TH - Thailandia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
AL - Albania 2
AU - Australia 2
CL - Cile 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IQ - Iraq 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MT - Malta 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SI - Slovenia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
DK - Danimarca 1
KE - Kenya 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PA - Panama 1
SN - Senegal 1
ZW - Zimbabwe 1
Totale 6.895
Città #
Jacksonville 353
Naples 332
Chandler 322
Moscow 317
Singapore 177
Brussels 173
Hong Kong 137
Beijing 113
Columbus 80
Dong Ket 67
Rome 65
Ann Arbor 61
Dearborn 58
Lawrence 57
Santa Clara 55
Ashburn 54
Boardman 51
Dublin 49
Milan 48
San Mateo 48
Vilnius 48
Princeton 45
Brno 42
Bologna 34
Wilmington 34
Yubileyny 34
Jakarta 33
Seoul 32
Munich 26
Helsinki 22
Salerno 22
Frankfurt am Main 21
London 20
Redwood City 19
Hanover 16
New York 16
Ottawa 16
Napoli 14
Turin 14
Ravenna 13
Redmond 13
Wayne 13
Acerra 12
Afragola 12
Sarno 12
Vienna 12
Dallas 10
Florence 10
Forlì 10
Isernia 10
Aversa 9
Bielefeld 9
Montréal 9
San Nicola la Strada 9
Toronto 9
Wolverhampton 9
Angri 8
Berlin 8
Centro 8
Maddaloni 8
Marano Di Napoli 8
Mountain View 8
Nuremberg 8
Sarzana 8
Würzburg 8
Zagreb 8
Amsterdam 7
Bari 7
Mumbai 7
Paris 7
Sant'Arpino 7
Shanghai 7
The Dalles 7
Addis Ababa 6
Assago 6
Beauharnois 6
Belgrade 6
Brooklyn 6
Caserta 6
La Adrada 6
Lappeenranta 6
Lisbon 6
Roccarainola 6
Alexandria 5
Berehove 5
Casalnuovo di Napoli 5
Catania 5
Jaén 5
Karlsruhe 5
Marsicovetere 5
Nanjing 5
Newbury 5
Parma 5
Reggio Emilia 5
San Marco Evangelista 5
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 5
Seattle 5
Skopje 5
Avigliano 4
Bonn 4
Totale 3.578
Nome #
The Archaeo-Term Project: Multilingual Terminology in Archaeology 574
Giornalismo Algoritmico e Traduzione Automatica. Una valutazione della traduzione neurale. 364
Corpus dell'Italiano annotato con ca. 3000 polirematiche verbali per PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal MWEs 202
Annotated corpora and tools of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions (edition 1.1): Italian Language 191
PARSEME-IT corpus for the Shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions - edition 1.1 187
Beni culturali: in che termini? 155
PARSEME-It Corpus - An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian 139
MultiLexBATS: Multilingual Dataset of Lexical Semantic Relations 138
UNIOR NLP at MWSA Task - GlobaLex 2020: Siamese LSTM with Attention for Word Sense Alignment 129
From Linguistic Resources to Ontology-Aware Terminologies: Minding the Representation Gap 119
Proceedings of the LREC 2020 workshop on Resources and Techniques for User and Author Profiling in Abusive Language (ResT-UP 2020) 118
A Knowledge-Based CLIR Model for Specific Domain Collections 114
Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Semantic Interoperability for Cultural Heritage Repositories 109
Formalizing Natural Languages with Nooj 2014 102
Assessing Italian News Reliability in the Health Domain through Text Analysis of Headlines 100
Modelli del linguaggio generativi e giornalismo: qualità della traduzione automatica 100
From taggare to blessare: verbal hybrid neologisms in Italian youth slang 99
LaCulturaNonSiFerma -- Report su uso e la diffusione degli hashtag delle istituzioni culturali italiane durante il periodo di lockdown 96
ItaGLAM: A corpus of Cultural Communication on Twitter during the Pandemic 92
Detecting Latin-based Medical Terminology in Croatian Texts. 89
Decision-Making Support Systems for the Archaeological Domain: a Natural Language Processing Proposal 88
Proceedings of ALLDATA 2016, TheSecond International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. 87
From Natural Language to Ontology Population in the Cultural Heritage Domain. A Computational Linguistics-based approach. 87
Apprendimento degli idiomatismi e modelli del linguaggio: una valutazione di ChatGPT 86
Knowledge Management and Extraction from Cultural Heritage Repositories 85
ALLDATA 2015 - The First International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. Proceedings of the Conference 83
PARSEME-It: an Italian corpus annotated with verbal multiword expressions 83
Terms and Appositions: What Unstructured Texts Tell Us 83
How to populate ontology. Computational linguistics applied to the Cultural Heritage Domain 82
An Italian Question Answering System Based on Grammars Automatically Generated from Ontology Lexica 82
The Use of Figurative Language in a Dream Descriptions Corpus. Exploiting NooJ for Stylometric Purposes 81
Le projet Archaeo-Term: premiers résultats 81
Knowledge Management and Cultural Heritage Repositories. Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Strategies 80
PARSEME-IT - Issues in verbal Multiword Expressions identification and classification 80
PARSEME_corpus_IT 80
Information Extraction for Ontology Population Tasks. An Application to the Italian Archaeological Domain 78
MWU processing in an ontology-based CLIR model for specific domain collections 75
From Linguistic Resources to Medical Entity Recognition: a Supervised Morpho-syntactic Approach 74
An Ontology-Based Method for Extracting and Classifying Domain-Specific Compositional Nominal Compounds 72
Endpoint for Semantic Knowledge (ESK) 71
A Semantic Annotation Model for Syntactic Parsing in Ontology Learning Task 68
The Inflection of Italian Pronominal Verbs 66
Paving the Way for Enriched Metadata of Linguistic Linked Data 66
Terminology and Knowledge Representation. Italian Linguistic Resources for the Archaeological Domain 64
DIMMI - Drug InforMation Mining in Italian: A CALAMITA Challenge 62
D-LeafIT - Drug Leaflet Italian Corpus 61
Proceedings of ALLDATA 2017, The Third International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. 61
Predicting News Values from Headline Text and Emotions 60
TakeLab at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Combining Sparse and Dense Features for Relation Classification in Scientific Texts. 60
Tailoring Terminological Resources to the Users’ Needs: a Corpus-based Study on Appositive Constructions in Italian and English 58
Tailoring Terminological Resources to the Users’ Needs: a Corpus-based Study on Appositive Constructions in Italian and English 56
Proceedings of the LREC 2022 workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis (ResT-UP 2022) 55
Riddle Me This: Evaluating Large Language Models in Solving Word-Based Games 55
MELLD - Meta-SHARE Enriched Linguistic Linked Data 54
Large Language Models as Drug Information Providers for Patients 54
Two Layers of Annotation for Representing Event Mentions in News Stories 53
DICE: a Dataset of Italian Crime Event news 52
null 52
Ontology-based formalization of Italian Clitic Verbal MWEs: an Approach for Supporting Machine Translation 52
Natural Language Processing and Big Data. An Ontology-Based Approach for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval 51
null 50
DICE: a Dataset of Italian Crime Event news 49
From Monolingual Multiword Expression Discovery to Multilingual Concept Enrichment: an Ontology-based approach 46
A Survey of Guidelines and Best Practices for the Generation, Interlinking, Publication, and Validation of Linguistic Linked Data 46
null 44
Adopting Linguistic Linked Data Principles: Insights on Users’ Experience 44
Semi-Automatic Indexing and Parsing Information on the Web with NooJ. 41
Rappresentazione formale degli aspetti morfo-sintattici in applicazioni multilingue: il caso dei clitici nelle espressioni polirematiche verbali italiane 41
An Analysis of Early Use of Deep Learning Terms in Natural Language Processing 41
null 39
Formalizing Translation Equivalence and Lexico-Semantic Relations Among Terms in a Bilingual Terminological Resource 38
Evaluating Large Language Models for Linguistic Linked Data Generation 37
Nuovi repertori dei linguaggi giovanili: voci e scritture. Introduzione. 36
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis for Improving Attractiveness in Shrinking Areas 35
Terme-a-LLOD: Simplifying the Conversion and Hosting of Terminological Resources as Linked Data 35
Automatic Translation of Arabic Legal Terminology Using NooJ 34
Nuovi repertori dei linguaggi giovanili: voci e scritture 34
Semi-automatic Parsing for Web Knowledge Extraction through Semantic Annotation 34
DIMMI - Drug InforMation Mining in Italian 30
Formalising a three-layer multilingual terminology for female oncological diseases 29
Towards Terminological Resources Tailored to the Users’ Needs: Terminology Extraction based on Appositive Constructions 29
NEAT - Named Entities in Archaeological Texts: a Semantic Approach to Term Extraction and Classification 29
null 27
Linguistic Features and Newsworthiness: an Analysis of News style 27
NEAT - Named Entities in Archaeological Texts 25
Towards a Linguistic Annotation of Arabic Legal Texts: A Multilingual Electronic Dictionary for Arabic 16
null 12
null 11
Totale 7.085
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.146
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.146

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 20 53 29 52
2020/2021603 21 45 14 49 27 73 26 51 92 51 61 93
2021/2022382 18 7 57 63 16 17 43 34 23 17 50 37
2022/20231.042 127 198 13 82 85 101 21 61 120 29 135 70
2023/20241.442 101 91 87 99 126 116 193 52 139 115 152 171
2024/20252.962 221 88 183 232 176 283 982 797 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.085