Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.619
AS - Asia 470
NA - Nord America 222
AF - Africa 24
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 3.338
Nazione #
RU - Federazione Russa 2.323
CN - Cina 286
US - Stati Uniti d'America 215
SG - Singapore 175
RO - Romania 98
IT - Italia 89
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 38
DE - Germania 37
CI - Costa d'Avorio 24
BG - Bulgaria 8
GB - Regno Unito 7
CA - Canada 5
FI - Finlandia 4
IN - India 4
AU - Australia 3
BE - Belgio 3
FR - Francia 3
HR - Croazia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
ES - Italia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IL - Israele 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LT - Lituania 1
NL - Olanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 3.338
Città #
Moscow 338
Columbus 125
Singapore 125
Beijing 57
Yubileyny 39
Assago 30
Guangzhou 27
Shanghai 27
Abidjan 24
Munich 22
Brno 20
Rome 18
Olomouc 15
North Bergen 10
Chengdu 7
Shenzhen 7
Sofia 7
Naples 6
Xuzhou 6
Buffalo 4
Council Bluffs 4
Helsinki 4
Nantong 4
Wuxi 4
Ashburn 3
Brussels 3
London 3
Nanjing 3
New South Wales 3
Quanzhou 3
Sandston 3
Santa Clara 3
Taizhou 3
Toronto 3
Tübingen 3
Venice 3
Zhuji 3
Chizhou 2
Florence 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Fuzhou 2
Iasi 2
Isernia 2
Jiaxing 2
Kazan' 2
Milan 2
Nuremberg 2
Ottawa 2
Reidsville 2
Seattle 2
Vestec 2
Xiamen 2
Bengbu 1
Berlin 1
Chicago 1
Chingford 1
Cologne 1
Dalian 1
Dezhou 1
Dubai 1
El Segundo 1
Forest City 1
Guilin 1
Indore 1
Jakarta 1
Longyan 1
Ningde 1
Padova 1
Pasadena 1
Prineville 1
Riyadh 1
San Nicola la Strada 1
Shaoxing 1
Shifangcun 1
Tacoma 1
Valdagno 1
Vienna 1
Yangzhou 1
Yiwu 1
Zagreb 1
Zhangzhou 1
Zhuhai 1
Totale 1.029
Nome #
1.10 Old Church Slavonic Texts [History of Research] 82
1.1.9: The Slavonic Canon [Overview Articles] 75
10.1.8. Slavonic [Maccabees] 72
10.1.8 Slavonic 70
10–4. 7: Old Church Slavonic Translations 69
1.4.10. Old Church Slavonic Translations 69
10.1.7 Georgian 68
1.2.11 Slavonic Texts [Overview Articles: The Textual History of the Deutero-Canonical Texts] 67
10.1.7. Georgian [Maccabees] 66
1.4.8 Georgian Translations [Overview Article] 66
A Rediscovered Codex of the Old Church Slavonic Translation of the Books of the Kingdoms 65
1.4.8 Georgian Translations 64
1.10 Old Church Slavonic Texts 61
Vizantijskaja tradicija i staroslavjanskij perevod Slov Grigorija Nazianzina. Tom II. Kollekcija 16 Slov: Opisanie slavjanskich kodeksov 48
The Greek Modality Adverb ἴσως in the First Old Church Slavonic Translation of Gregory of Nazianzus’ Homily 38 44
11–4. 7: Old Church Slavonic Translations 36
Bemerkungen über mittelbulgarische Inschriften in griechischen Handschriften: Die Inschrift von Dobryna im Codex Vat. gr. 353 (Lektionar der Evangelien) 35
12.4.6: Georgian Translations [Proverbs] 35
11.4.6 Georgian Translations [Job] 34
11.4.6: Georgian Translations [Job] 33
Drevnejšaja slavjanskaja tradicija Slova XVI Grigorija Bogoslova: staroslavjanskie versii i problemy ich izučenija 33
Slavjanskie rukopisi afonskich obitelej. Sostavili A.A. Turilov i L.V. Moškova pod redakciej A.E. Tachiaosa. Thessaloniki, SS. Cyril and Methodius Center for Cultural Studies, 1999 32
12.10 Slavonic 32
10–4.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [Psalms] 32
K sopostavitel’nomu izučeniju vizantijskoj i drevnejšej slavjanskoj tradicij Tolkovanij Nikity Iraklijskogo k Slovam Grigorija Bogoslova [= Towards a comparative study of the Byzantine and the Oldest Slavonic traditions of the Commentaries of Nicetas Heracleensis to the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos], 32
11–4.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [Job] 32
Starobolgarskij perevod “Apologii” (Sl. 2) Grigorija Nazianzina: kritika teksta 32
The Old Church Slavonic Psalms and the Problem of the Western Readings: a reassessment 31
E. Uchanova, U istokov slavjanskoj pis’mennosti, Moskva 1998 31
12.10. Slavonic [Psalms 151-155] 30
RECENSIONE A: E. Uchanova, U istokov slavjanskoj pis'mennosti, Moskva 1998 29
Esteris c’ignis ʒveli kartuli t’radicia da misi γirebuleba bibliis t’ekst’ualuri k’rit’ik’is tvalsazrisit” / The Old Georgian tradition of the book of Esther and its value for the textual criticism of the Bible 29
K izučeniju avtografov Dimitrija Kidonisa: paleografičeskie nabljudenija nad kodeksom 609 28
Die altkirchenslavische Übersetzung der Homilie 1 des Gregor von Nazianz: Textüberlieferung und kritische Ausgabe 28
Theologos. Drevneslavjanskie kodeksy Slov Grigorija Nazianzina i ich vizantijskie prototipy [= “Theologos. The Old Slavonic codices of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus and their Byzantine prototypes”] 28
Grečeskaja paleografija i kartvelologija [= Greek Paleography and Kartvelology] 27
Poesie di V.I. Ivanov "La lingua" [traduzione e commento] e "Via Appia" [traduzione] 27
Drevneslavjanskie kodeksy Slov Grigorija Nazianzina i ich vizantijskie prototipy. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie ucenoj stepeni kandidata istoriceskich nauk. Special'nost' 07.00.03--vseobscaja istorija. 27
Paleografičeskie zametki o drevnerusskom kodekse Slov Grigorija Nazianzina GIM, Čud. 11 26
From Greek into Georgian: aspects and function of Euthymius the Athonite's translation method 26
Linguistica diacronica e filologia russa. Tre decenni di ricerca in Italia (anni 1991-2021) 26
12.9 Georgian 26
2.12 Editions of the Old Church Slavonic Versions 25
Textual problems of the Old Bulgarian version of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos 25
13-17.2.6: Georgian Translations [Five Scrolls] 25
Textual problems of the Old Bulgarian version of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos 25
Grečeskaja paleografija i kartvelologija [= Greek Palaeography and Kartvelology] 25
Drevneslavjanskie kodeksy Slov Grigorija Nazianzina i ich vizantijskie prototipy. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie ucenoj stepeni kandidata istoriceskich nauk. Special'nost' 07.00.03--vseobscaja istorija 25
6–9.2.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [Latter Prophets] 24
12.4.6 Georgian Translations [Proverbs] 24
20.4.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [1-2 Chronicles] 24
12.9. Georgian [Psalms 151-155] 24
Il sonetto Jazyk di V.I. Ivanov: note di commento al testo 23
18.4.7. Old Church Slavonic Translations 23
3.9 Slavonic 23
6.9 Slavonic Translations 23
Marginalia slavi nel 1808 (Dialoghi di Platone): frammenti di uno Sticherario mediobulgaro 23
12–4.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [Proverbs] 23
3.8. Georgian [Daniel, additions to] 23
6–9.2.6: Georgian Translations [Latter Prophets] 23
The Second Church Slavonic Translation of 1–4 Kingdoms: A Witness to the Proto-Lucianic Text 23
6.9 Slavonic additions to Esther 23
Vizantijskaja tradicija i staroslavjanskij perevod Slov Grigorija Nazianzina. Tom I. [= The Byzantine tradition and the Old Church Slavonic version of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, Volume I] 23
20.4.6: Georgian Translations [1-2 Chronicles] 23
The Transmission of the Old Church Slavonic Version of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Problem of its Glagolitic Substratum 23
Paleografo-kodikologičeskie i tekstologičeskie razyskanija po drevneslavjanskim rukopisjam 16 Slov Grigorija Nazianzina 22
The Old Serbian Version of the Antiochene Recension of Samuel-Kings: Some Preliminary Issues in Textual Criticism 22
“Per l’interpretazione dell’aggettivo полоубоуивъ nell’iscrizione novgorodiana su corteccia di betulla N° 735 (metà del secolo XII)” 22
6.8 Georgian 22
18.4.6: Georgian Translations [Daniel] 22
13–17.2.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [Five Scrolls] 22
19.4.7 Old Church Slavonic Translations [Ezra–Nehemiah] 22
Grăcko-slavjanskite leksikalni săotvetstvija kato kriterij za atribucija na starobălgarski prevodi [= Greek-Slavonic lexical equivalents as a criterion for authorship attribution of Old Bulgarian translations] 21
20.4. 6: Georgian Translations 21
Starobolgarskij perevod Slova 44 Grigorija Nazianzina: kritičeskoe izdanie po rukopisjam XIII-XVII vv 21
18.4.6 Georgian Translations [Daniel] 21
Perfekt i perfektnye formy v drevnejšej redakcii «Devgenieva Dejanija» 21
6.8. Georgian [Esther, additions to] 21
La Bibbia slava di Ostrog del 1580-1581 e le edizioni a stampa della Septuaginta : il problema delle fonti 21
c'minda giorgi mtac'mindelis avt'ografebis ident'ipicirebisatvis: p'aleograpiuli da k'odik'ologiuri šenišvnebi ivironis monast'ris kartul xelnac'erebtan dak'avsirebit dak'avsirebit [= Towards the identification of the autographs of St George the Agiorite: paleographical and codicological notes on Georgian manuscripts of the Iviron Monastery] 21
Il segno marginale heliakon nel più antico manoscritto slavo delle Orazioni di Gregorio di Nazianzo (Petrop. RNB Q.п. I. 16, XI sec.) 20
3.9. Slavonic [Daniel, additions to] 20
19.4.6: Georgian Translations [Ezra-Nehemiah] 20
2.5.7 Old Church Slavonic Translations [Pentateuch] 20
12–4. 6: Georgian Translations 20
c’minda giorgi mtac’mindelis avt’ografebis ident’ipicirebisatvis: p’aleograpiuli da k’odik’ologiuri šenišvnebi ivironis monast’ris kartul xelnac’erebtan dak’avsirebit [= Towards the identification of the autographs of St George the Agiorite: palaeographical and codicological notes on Georgian manuscripts of the Iviron Monastery] 20
Slovo (Časopis Staroslavenskoga instituta), Svezak 73 [znanstveni članci] 20
Drevneslavjanskij irmologij i gimnografičeskie tradicii Svjatoj zemli: k voprosu o proischoždenii vizantijskogo prototipa [= The Old Slavonic Hirmologion and the hymnographic traditions of the Holy Land: on the question of the origin of the Byzantine prototype] 20
Rukopisi Grigorija Nazianzina biblioteki Serbskoj patriarchii i muzeja Serbskoj pravoslavnoj Cerkvi 20
Novye istočniki dlja tekstologičeskogo izučenija slavjanskoj tradicii Slov Grigorija Nazianzina 20
La tradizione bizantino-slava del «Commento» di Niceta di Eraclea alle «16 Orazioni» di Gregorio di Nazianzo: prolegomeni ad uno studio comparato delle fonti 20
13–17.2. 6: Georgian Translations 19
13–17.2. 7: Old Church Slavonic Translations 19
Neizvestnye i maloizvestnye rukopisi 16 Slov Grigorija Bogoslova iz rossijskich i ukrainskich sobranij 19
18–4.7: Old Church Slavonic Translations [Daniel] 19
Drevneslavjanskij irmologij i gimnografičeskie tradicii Svjatoj zemli: k voprosu o proischoždenii vizantijskogo prototipa [= The Old Slavonic Hirmologion and the hymnographic traditions of the Holy Land: on the question of the origin of the Byzantine prototype] 19
19.4.6 Georgian Translations [Ezra–Nehemiah] 18
3–5.2.6 Georgian Translations [Former Prophets] 18
From Greek into Georgian: aspects and function of Euthymius the Athonite's translation method 18
Totale 3.060
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.282
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 12.282

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 285
2024/20253.208 231 174 72 149 36 359 1.308 879 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.493