De Laurentis, Pietro
De Laurentis, Pietro
"La calligrafia"
2005-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
"The Forbidden Classic of the Jade Hall: A Study of an Eleventh-century Compendium on Calligraphic Technique"
2011-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Calligraphy and Bureaucratic Administration in Tang China (618-907)
2014-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Fede religiosa e ideali politici in Xu Guangqi alla luce della persecuzione di Nanchino
2013-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Le opere di carità di Xu Guangqi e il loro fondamento teologico
2013-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Li Bai. L'uomo, il poeta
2016-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Shixian Li Bai yu Tangdai shige liuchuan de yanjiu gousi 诗仙李白与唐代诗歌流传的研究构思
2015-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Submerged Literature in China
2016-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
The Manual of Calligraphy by Sun Guoting of the Tang. A Comprehensive Study on the Manuscript and its Author
2011-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Yutang jinjing tan kao 玉堂禁經探考
2016-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Zhang Shen Fashu tongshi kao 張紳法書通釋考
2015-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Zhang Shen's Comprehensive Explanations on Calligraphy (Fashu Tongshi 法書通釋). A Calligraphy Companion of the Early Ming Dynasty
2011-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
Zhongguo de shufa wenxian 中国的书法文献
2016-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
“Cong yongzi ba fa shuoqi: gudai shufa hanzi yu bihua de guanxi chutan” 從永字八法說起:古代書法漢字與筆畫的關係初探 [Gli otto metodi del carattere yong: discorso preliminare sul rapporto carattere-tratti nella calligrafia cinese classica]
2010-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
“La calligrafia cinese”
2006-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
“Note on a Nestorian Stone Inscription from the Tang Dynasty Recently Unearthed in Luoyang”
2009-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
“Origin, Authorship, and Interpretation of Yong Zi Ba Fa (the Eight Methods of the Character Yong): An Early Set of Technical Precepts for Chinese Calligraphy”
2014-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
“Sun Guoting shengping kao” 孫過庭生平考 [Uno studio sulla vita di Sun Guoting]
2009-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro
“Sun Guoting zhi zhiqi: Shu pu wenti kao” 孫過庭之志氣:《書譜》文 體考 [Le aspirazioni di Sun Guoting: uno studio sulla forma letteraria del manoscritto]
2008-01-01 De Laurentis, Pietro